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Aristonous ( Greek  Ἀριστόνους , also transcribed Aristonus ; † 315 BC ), son of Peisaios, was a bodyguard ( somatophylax ) of the Macedonian king Alexander the great and one of his diadochi .

It belonged to it since 336 BC. To the corps of bodyguards of Alexander and was in all likelihood identical to the bodyguard named by Plutarch , Aristophanes , who gave the king 328 BC. During his fateful quarrel with Kleitus took the sword out of his hand. 326 BC He was one of the Trierarchs of the Indus fleet and was wounded in the storming of Multan .

After Alexander's death in 323 BC BC Aristonous was a follower of Perdiccas . During the deliberations on the reorganization of the state, he viewed Alexander's surrender of the ring as a vote for Perdiccas as the rightful regent of the empire. He opposed Ptolemy’s proposal to hand over the leadership of the state to a body to be formed by the leading generals. During the first Diadoch war in 321/320 BC In BC he led a fleet for the conquest of Cyprus on behalf of Perdiccas , whose city kings were allied with Ptolemy. However, the invasion of the island failed because of the defense by Antigonos Monophthalmos . Aristonous was pardoned by the victors of the war and together with the new regent, Antipater , he returned to Macedonia. During the Second Diadoch War he was allied with the regent Polyperchon against Kassander . The Queen Mother Olympias gave him 316 BC Took command of her army, but could not prevent the queen from being enclosed in Pydna by Kassander. Aristonos retired to Amphipolis , where he stayed until 315 BC after the end of Olympias. Could hold. The victorious Cassander assured him of grace for a surrender due to his popularity as a former bodyguard of Alexander. Nevertheless, Aristonous was murdered by him at the next opportunity without any trial.


Individual evidence

  1. Aristobulus FrGrHist 139 F50
  2. Plutarch Alexander 51.5-6
  3. ^ Nearchos FrGrHist 133 F1; Curtius Rufus 9.6.15-17
  4. Curtius Rufus 06/10/16
  5. Arrian successor June 24th
  6. Polyainos Strategika 4.6.6
  7. Diodorus 19.35.4
  8. Diodorus 19.50.3-8
  9. Diodorus 19.50.8 & 51.1