Arizona State Mine Inspector

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The Arizona State Mine Inspector is the inspector of active and inactive mines for the state of Arizona in the United States . It is an independent, constitutionally mandated office that is elected by the people of the state for a four-year term.

There are 600 active mines in Arizona and an estimated 120,000 abandoned mines.

List of Mine Inspectors

Term of office Secretary of State image Political party
1912-1921 GH Bolin republican
1921-1923 John F. White republican
1923-1945 Tom C. Foster democrat
1945-1953 Clifford J. Murdock democrat
1953-1959 Edward Massey democrat
1959-1965 RV Hersey democrat
1965-1975 Verne C. McCutchan republican
1975-1979 Bert C. Romero democrat
1979-1990 James H. McCutchan republican
1991-2007 Doug Martin republican
since 2007 Joe Hart Inspector Joe Hart.jpg republican

Individual evidence

  1. Richard Ducote Arizona Daily Star: Race for state mine inspector open for first time in 18 years . In: Arizona Daily Star . ( ).

Web links