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Armilus ( Hebrew ארמילוס), also Armilos or Armilius , is an anti- Messiah of later Jewish eschatology . It is comparable to the Christian Antichrist and the Islamic Dajjal . In Jewish mythology, Armilus will one day conquer Jerusalem and persecute the Jews until his final defeat by the hand of God or the Messiah. Its final annihilation, along with the armies of Amalek , symbolizes the final victory of good over evil in the messianic age.

According to the Encyclopaedia Judaica , Armilus is a king who will appear at the end of time as the opponent of the Messiah, only to be finally subjugated by him after he has brought much harm to Israel, similar to Gog . He is described in the works of Kol HaTor , Midrash Vayosha and the book Zerubbabel as the one who defeated the Jewish provisional Messiah, descended from the patriarch Joseph , but who in turn was defeated by God or by the actual Messiah descended from David . He is considered a child of Satan and a virgin or Satan and a statue.

The origin of this figure, origin of this myth and its relationship to Christian antichrist traditions are unclear. The name Armilus is derived from Romulus , one of the founding fathers of Rome , and from Ahriman , the embodiment of evil in Zoroastrianism ( Arimainyus = Armalgus ).

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