Armin Jähne

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Armin Jähne (2016)

Armin Jähne (born February 1, 1941 in Wehrsdorf ) is a German ancient historian .


Armin Jähne was delegated to study abroad at Moscow's Lomonossow University , where he studied Ancient History and Eastern European History from 1961 to 1966 . This was followed by a period of several years as an aspirant in the same position, which ended in 1970 with a doctorate on the subject of Polis in the State Association of Ptolemies . In May 1970 he switched to the history section of the Humboldt University in Berlin as a senior research assistant , where he became head of the Ancient History section (until 1992). 1980 followed the habilitation (PhD B) on Alexandreia in Egypt, the elevation to the Ptolemaic metropolis, the chōra of the city and the appointment as a university lecturer in September of that year. In 1988 he became an associate professor until his position was canceled in 1996. Since 1999 he has been working in one of the DFG funded externally funded project on Winckelmann Institute of the Humboldt University.

Jähne has been a member of the Akademie Leibniz-Sozietät since 2001 and was Vice President there until 2019 , after which he was elected chairman of the Arbitration Commission. In 2017 he was awarded the Daniel Ernst Jablonski Medal of the Leibniz Society of Sciences in Berlin .

Jähne researches the Greek polis in the Hellenistic period, Heinrich Schliemann , his research and Russian looted art . He writes articles on historical topics for newspapers like Neues Deutschland .


  • Spartacus, battle of the slaves . Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1986, ISBN 3-326-00069-3 .
  • Troy is a secret. The dispute over Schliemann's gold . Militzke Verlag, Leipzig 1998, ISBN 3-86189-112-3 .
  • Leibniztag 2004 (ed.). Meeting reports of the Leibniz Society of Sciences in Berlin, Volume 74. trafo Verlag Dr. Wolfgang Weist, Berlin 2004, ISBN 978-3-89626-515-9 .
  • Edited with Bärbel Banse: Times & Traces - Ways. Encounters. Retrospectives. Gerhard Banse on his 70th birthday. Treatises of the Leibniz Society of Sciences in Berlin, Volume 43. trafo Verlagsgruppe Dr. Wolfgang Weist, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-86464-124-4 .


  • Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 2007. Volume 2. Saur, Munich 2007, p. 1591.
  • Lothar Mertens : Lexicon of the GDR historians. Biographies and bibliographies on the historians from the German Democratic Republic. Saur, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-598-11673-X , p. 316.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the Leibniz Society of Sciences in Berlin