Arnošt Czech Czechenherz

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Arnošt Czech Czechenherz

Arnošt Czech Czechenherz (born August 23, 1878 , Prague ; † December 26, 1951 ibid) was a Czech writer, poet, playwright and translator from Sanskrit , also active as an orientalist.

He is also known under the name Arnošt Czech z Czechenherzu / ~ ů or Arnošt Czech .


Czech Czechenherz broke off his studies in Prague and joined the post in 1896. From 1909 to 1929 he worked as a civil servant in the Landesbank. Since the 1920s, Czech Czechenherz was interested in Indian culture and Indian myths , which was also reflected in his novels and poems. He also published studies on ancient Indian culture and translated from Sanskrit.

While the “depth of emotions” and “musical quality” are emphasized in his poems, and his India-related works should have documentary accuracy in addition to their artistic value, Czech Czechenherz also dealt with the nuances of bourgeois society at that time - as in his work Víra v život (Belief in life).

After the First World War, he worked for two years in the magazine Česká svoboda , which often also dealt with questions of Czech-German-Jewish problems. Czech Czechenherz is buried in the Olšanské hřbitovy cemetery in Prague.

Individual evidence

  2. ADAMOVIČ, Ivan; NEFF, Ondřej, Slovník české literární fantastiky a science fiction [Dictionary of Czech literary fantasy and science fiction], Praha, R3 1995. ISBN 80-85364-57-3 , cit. from , Czech, accessed on January 19, 2010
  3. Karel Kovář, Arnošt Czech Czechenherz, Praha, E. Hanfa 1937, short review online: , accessed on January 19, 2010
  4. Grave VII, 11, 5 Památky - Olšanské hřbitovy - Praha 3 - Žižkov, Vinohradská 153/1835 ( Memento from May 26, 2006 in the Internet Archive )


  • Karel Kovář, Arnošt Czech Czechenherz, Praha, E. Hanfa 1937
  • Fratišek Salesius Frabša, Arnošt Czech z Czechenherzu. Sv. I., Praha, Stivín, 1906

Works (selection)

  • Několik slov ku Goethově literární produkci, Praha, 1901
  • Cena slávy, Praha, Rozkvět, 1904
  • Spása, Praha, Melpomene, 1904
  • Víra v život, Praha, A. Neubert, 1920
  • Hledající lidstvo, Praha, Zmatlík a Palička, 1922
  • Brahmánská moudrost, Praha, Zmatlík a Palička, 1929
  • Šíva, božský tanečník, Praha, Oldřich Petr, 1933
  • Palác na břehu Gangy, Praha, Oldřich Petr, 1934
  • Bouře nad Bombayí, Praha, Emil Hanf, 1936
  • Má Indie, Praha, Oldřich Petr, 1938
  • Avašina píseň, Praha, Národní nakl., 1941
  • Babylonská věž, Praha, Vojtěch Hrách, 1944

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