Arnold Federbush

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Arnold Federbush (born 1935 in New York City ; died 1993 ) was an American science fiction writer. He studied film studies and worked as a film editor and sound engineer.

His debut novel The Man Who Lived in Inner Space , published in 1973, tells the story of a man who is seriously injured and crippled in an accident in a chemical factory and, while on the run from the world, creates an underwater refuge where he closes the depths of his soul and at the same time begins to adapt more and more to life in the sea. The novel is assigned to the New Wave .

The second novel, also translated into German, Ice! (1978) deals with the somewhat more conventional topic of the onset of a new ice age , in which New York slowly sinks under glacial masses and people try to adapt to the changed conditions by adopting the Inuit way of life .


  • The Man Who Lived in Inner Space (1973)
  • Ice! (1978)


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