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The arratel (Pl.:Arrateȉs) was a Portuguese unit of mass (measure of weight) and corresponded to the pound . The measure applied in Portugal , Brazil , Madeira and also in Zanzibar . It corresponded to ¾ of the trading pound. An oil almuda in Porto, for example, was equivalent to 50 arrateȉs, which corresponds to about 22,950 grams.

  • Practical: 1 Arratel / Libra = 459 grams
  • Genoa and Madeira: 1 arratel = 458.574 grams
  • Zanzibar 1 arratel = 449.06 grams
  • 1 Arratel = 2 Marco / Mark / Meios Arratel = 4 Quartas = 16 Oncas = 128 Oitavas = 384 Scropulos = 9216 Gräos
  • 32 arratels = 1 quintal ( quintals )

When Portuguese medical weight was

  • 1 Arratel / Artal = 96 Outavas = 288 Scrupulos = 6912 Gräos = 344 1/4 grams

Individual evidence

  1. a b R. Klimpert: Lexicon of coins, measures, weights, counting types and time sizes. Verlag C. Regenhardt, Berlin 1896, p. 14.
  2. Georg Thomas Flügel: Cours-Zettel continued as a manual of coin, measure, weight u. Customs and bills of exchange, banking, government paper and stocks for bankers, merchants, manufacturers: plus an appendix. Jäger book, paper and map dealership, Frankfurt / Main 1859, p. 66.
  3. Ludolph Schleier: The commercial science. Fest'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Leipzig 1848, p. 97.