Arrius Alphius

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A copy of the petition ( libellus ) of the imperial freedman Arrius Alphius from the year 155 (CIL 06, 2120)

Arrius Alphius lived in the 2nd century and was a freedman ( libertus ) of Arria Fadilla , mother of Emperor Antoninus Pius . In 155, the man requested by an input ( libellus ) in the designated priesthood ( collegium pontificium ) for permission to the bones of his wife and his son from a Tonsarkophag, which served as a provisional arrangement, one in a finished marble sarcophagus in Mausoleum was set up on Via Flaminia to be allowed to move. Obtaining consent was necessary under current law , since the deceased had to be touched for the reburial.

He presented the petition to Decimus Velius Fidus , who was personally known to him and a pontiff of senatorial rank. He wrote a detailed cover letter in favor of Arrius Alphius and sent the document together with the submission to the responsible promagister of the pontifices, Publius Iuventius Celsus , with the request for approval. The request was granted and documented with a corresponding short note in the margin on the application ( subscriptio ).

In addition to posting the approved application in a public building - here probably in the vestibule ( porticus ) of the Temple of Apollo in Rome - Arrius Alphius had a copy of the successful petition made on a stone tablet, along with the accompanying letter from his advocate.

The plaque is classified as very important in modern research, as the inscription is a rarely available testimony to an enacted legal act ( decretum ) to an individual, which was granted by an authorized official of the imperial administration .


  • Werner Eck : The Roman Office Holders and the Social Groups in the ImperiumOfficial Epistolography and the Language (s) of Power , ed. St. Procházka - L. Reinfandt - S. Tost, Vienna 2015, 185–199, here pp. 197, 198 ( PDF ).
  • Werner Eck: Roman grave inscriptions as a legal source, in: Hermeneutics of the source texts on Roman law , ed. M. Avenarius, Baden-Baden 2008, 67–93, here pp. 75, 76 ( PDF )


  1. CIL 06, 2120