Ars Praedicandi Populo

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Ars praedicandi populo ("Manual for preaching to the people") is a Latin literary work that Francesc Eiximenis wrote before 1379. It is a manual for the sermon . Such sermon manuals were very common in the late medieval scholastic period.

Eiximenis' manual was found in a manuscript in Krakow by the Capuchin Martí de Barcelona . He copied it and published it in 1936.


The work provides a simple structure for the sermon:

  • Introductio : general introduction to a short passage from the Bible
  • Introductio thematis : special introduction to the topic
  • Divisio thematis : Subdivision of the topic according to logical and mnemonic aspects.


According to Manuel Sanchis Guarner , the structure of this book was copied and used by the famous contemporary Valencian preacher Vincent Ferrer .

Ars Praedicandi Populo in the digitized edition

Individual evidence

  1. Martí de Barcelona, ​​OFM Cap. “L'Ars Praedicandi de Francesc Eiximenis”. Homenatge a A. Rubió i Lluch. Miscel.lània d'Estudis Literaris, Històrics i Lingüístics. Vol. II. Barcelona. 1936. 301-340. (Catalan) (Latin)
  2. Vicent Ferrer, sant. Sermons de Quaresma. Volume I. València. Ed. Albatross. 1973. P. 22. Foreword by Manuel Sanchis Guarner. (Catalan)