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Artemon was the name of numerous ancient figures:

  • Artist:
    • Artemon , painter of the Diadoch period, made a portrait of a Queen Stratonice, as well as pictures with motifs from the Herakles myth
    • Artemon (Koroplast) , Greek Koroplast, who lived at the end of the 1st century BC. Until the beginning of the 1st century AD in Asia Minor
    • Artemon , sculptor of the 1st century AD, created works for the imperial palaces on the Palatine with Pythodorus
  • Other people:
    • Artemon , an allegedly effeminate upstart of the 6th century BC who was satirically attacked by Anakreon . Chr.
    • Artemon from Klazomenai , Greek engineer of the 5th century BC BC, inventor of siege devices for Pericles
    • Artemon the Syrians , Syrians of the 2nd century BC BC, saw Antiochus III. very similar and was therefore issued for the late king by Queen Laodike after his death
    • Artemon , a doctor who lived in the 1st century AD at the latest, is said to have recommended very superstitious remedies
    • Artemon or Artemas , representatives of a heterodox Christian doctrine in Rome in the 3rd century