Arthur Findlay

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Arthur Findlay

Arthur Findlay (* 1883 in Glasgow ; † July 1964 ) was a British broker and stock market specialist as well as an influential spiritualist . Namesake of Arthur Findlay College in Stansted near London .


Born in Glasgow to devout parents, Arthur Findlay developed an early interest in religious studies and history. Nevertheless, after studying in England and Geneva, his path initially led him into less spiritual areas; he made a career as a stockbroker and financial advisor. In 1913 he received the Order of the British Empire for his services to the organization of the British Red Cross in wartime. In 1918 he met the medium John C. Sloan in Glasgow - until then a staunch skeptic with regard to media phenomena . The encounter became the trigger for extensive attempts to explore these phenomena.

In 1920 he founded the Glasgow Society for Psychical Research . He later became the founder and chairman of the International Institute for Psychical Research . He was an honorary member of Edinburgh Psychic College and the Institute of Psychic Writers and Artists .

Findlay devoted himself specifically to the research of media phenomena, especially the so-called direct voice phenomena, which he studied for over five years and a. described in a work on the British medium John C. Sloan. Around the age of 40 he gave up his business career and retired to the spacious Stansted Hall estate in Essex near London, which he had bought . He devoted his later years professionally to municipal administration and privately to his studies on mediality.


Findlay wrote several works, some of them extensive. His two-part, church-critical main work The Curse of Ignorance from 1947 is particularly well known in the English-speaking world . Other works include:

  • On the Edge of the Etheric (1931)
  • The rock of truth (1933)
  • The way of life
  • Where two worlds meet
  • The Unfolding Universe
  • The Psychic Stream
  • Looking back


Arthur Findlay is known nationwide today mainly for the college named after him, a training center for mediumship and spiritualism . In his last will, Findlay bequeathed his private home, Stansted Hall , to the SNU ( Spiritualist National Union ), which founded Arthur Findlay College in these premises and still operates it today.

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