Arthur Sulley

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Arthur Lindsay Sulley (born November 8, 1906 in Guisborough , † November 7, 1994 in Derby ) was a British helmsman in rowing .

At the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam, Sulley drove the British four-man helm and the British eight . With the foursome he was eliminated in advance against the Hungarian boat. The British eighth from the Thames Rowing Club won his preliminary run against the Italians, the intermediate run against the Poles and the quarter-finals against the German boat. In the final, the British lost 2.4 seconds behind the US eight.

Sulley was the helmsman of the victorious eight at the University of Cambridge in the Boat Race in 1928 and 1929 . Later he was a volunteer coach at the Thames Rowing Club. His three sons were all active as helmsmen in rowing. In civil life, Sulley was first a manager at a company that produced railway uniforms. He then set up a workwear rental company.

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  • Wolf Reinhardt, Ralph Schlueter: The games of the IX. 1928 Olympics in Amsterdam and the II Winter Olympics in St. Moritz . AGON Sportverlag, Kassel 2018, ISBN 978-3-89784-411-7 . Pp. 335-340