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Name of aryamani
Throne name
Hiero Ca1.svg
ra wsr H6 stp
Hiero Ca2.svg
Wesermaatre Setepenre
Proper name
Hiero Ca1.svg
i mn
i A2 rw i i
Hiero Ca2.svg
Stele of Aryamani from Kawa (now in the British Museum , London, no.1777)

Aryamani was a Nubian king.

It is mainly known only from a stele that was found in Kawa . Nine years of government are recorded on it. The stele is inscribed with Egyptian hieroglyphics , but the text is very difficult to read. Apparently the knowledge of the Egyptian language and hieroglyphics were not very good at the time. A second stele from Kawa, which was found in two fragments (see picture, the other fragment is still on site) is attributed to him, but this is based on stylistic similarities and is therefore not certain. On this second stele a 24th year of reign is mentioned.

The titles and names of the ruler are based on those of the Egyptian Ramessid period . The exact classification of Aryamani remains uncertain. On the one hand, it has been assumed that the king dates back to the time shortly after the Egyptian New Kingdom and is perhaps even identical with Alara , on the other hand, he is placed in the 4th century BC, a time when the knowledge of hieroglyphic writing was waning.


See also


  • Laszlo Török, in: Fontes Historiae Nubiorum, Vol. II , Bergen 1996, pp. 521-532, ISBN 8291626014