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The Ashjaʿ ,أشجع / Ašǧaʿ , were a small tribe in the Arab tribal union of the Ghatafan , in Najd , in the northeast of Yathrib ( Medina ) in the time of Muhammad .

According to the biographer Ibn Ishaq, a leader of the Ashja Aa, Nuʿaim ibn Masʿūd , played an important role in the battle of the trenches . He became a secret Muslim and sowed discord between the attackers and the Jewish tribe of the Banu Quraiza , which ultimately resulted in the attackers withdrawing and Mohammed having all the men of the Banu Quraiza murdered and all women and children enslaved after his victory in the trench battle .

The Ashjaa defected to the Muslims together with Nu lieaim ibn Masʿud during the trench battle. The other Ghatafan also stood on the side of his opponents during Muhammad's move to Khaibar and only became Muslims after his death.

Ghatafan tribes


Islamic sources

  • Ibn Ishaq, Gernot Rotter (translator): The life of the prophet. As-Sira An-Nabawiya . Spohr, Kandern in the Black Forest 1999, ISBN 3-927606-22-7 .