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ascolta is a Stuttgart ensemble for contemporary chamber music founded in 2003 . His programmatic span extends from classical modernism to the border area between new music and rock. The focus is on world premieres for the ascolta cast.


ascolta emerged from the Ensemble Varianti, which was founded under the umbrella of "Music of the Centuries" and performed contemporary music at home and abroad in variable ensemble and chamber music formations from 1994–2002. Since 2003, following a restructuring, the ensemble has presented itself under the name ascolta with a permanent, chamber music cast and a self-administered organizational structure.


The line-up of ascolta, with its focus on brass and percussion instruments - without high strings and woodwinds - is an alternative to the line-up of Schönberg's Pierrot Lunaire , which many ensembles essentially orientate themselves on for contemporary music. The aim and concept of ascolta is to build up an extensive oeuvre for this new sound image through composition commissions and arrangements and to establish it in the repertoire of contemporary music. Around 250 new works have been created since the ensemble was founded. In addition, the ensemble maintains various understaffing and may perform. a. with duo and trio programs.


Erik Borgir (violoncello, e-cello), Andrew Digby (trombones, euphonium, bass trumpet), Florian Hoelscher (piano, harpsichord, synthesizer), Julian Belli and Boris Müller (drums), Markus Schwind (trumpets, flugelhorn, soprano trombone), Hubert Steiner (guitars, electric guitar, mandolin, electric bass).


  • 2009: Rolf Riehm : there are apricot trees, there are apricot trees (Cybele Records; Prize of the German Record Critics: 1/2009; FonoForum: Star of the Month 4/2009)
  • 2010: Annette Schmucki : Portrait of the composer (MGB)
  • 2011: Chaya Czernowin : Shifting Gravity (Wergo)
  • 2012: Michel Roth : Composer Portrait (Musiques Suisses)
  • 2012: Alexander Sigman: Nominal / Noumenal (Carrier Records)
  • 2013: Annesley Black : No use in a center (Wergo)
  • 2013: Donaueschinger Musiktage 2012 (NEOS)
  • 2014: Malika Kishino : Irisation (Wergo)
  • 2014: Ming Tsao: Pathology of Syntax (Mode Records)
  • 2014: Rolf Riehm : Lenz in Moscow (Wergo)
  • 2016: Marina Khorkova: Klangnarbe (Wergo)
  • 2016: Darmstadt Aural Documents Box 3 (NEOS)
  • 2017: Ming Tsao: Plus Minus (Kairos)
  • 2017: Gordon Kampe : Arias / Lemons (col legno)
  • 2018: Robin Hoffmann: Art Whistling (Thorofon)
  • 2019: Michael Pelzel : Gravity's Rainbow (Kairos)

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Individual evidence
