Asia (magazine)

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description German magazine on Asian topics with a focus on business and culture
Area of ​​Expertise Asia politics, economy, culture
language German
publishing company Berlin: Schwetschke & Sohn, Berlin: Paetel [1909] (Germany)
Headquarters Berlin
First edition 1902
attitude 1919
founder Max Vosberg-Rekow
Frequency of publication per month
Editor-in-chief Max Vosberg-Rekow
Web link digitized
ZDB 527716-4

Asia was a monthly German magazine which was published in 16 volumes from 1901/02 to 1919 by the German-Asian Society under President General Colmar von der Goltz-Pascha and the Munich Oriental Society under the orientalist Hugo Grothe .

The editor-in-chief was the business lawyer and association functionary Max Vosberg-Rekow , who, thanks to his contacts to the Asian department of Deutsche Bank, had a targeted focus on German trade interests in Asia and especially in China . The continent's economic opportunities in exchange with Europe played a major role, to which authors such as the diplomat Ludwig Raschdau as later president, the high colonial official Wilhelm Knappe , the entrepreneur Karl Supf and the transport geographer Richard Hennig contributed. In addition to the Ottoman Empire , China played a major role, and increasingly Japan too. In addition, many military experts such as Colmar von der Goltz or Admiral Otto Livonius wrote essays on strength relationships and strategic questions. The later Free Corps Leader, Major General Maercker, was one of them . During the First World War, many articles appeared with an anti-British tendency, especially on India . A supplement “The Economic Asia” was published.

The magazine was immediately continued by the Ostasiatische Rundschau , ed. v. Association for the Far East / German Overseas Service .

Since 1981, a new magazine appears Asia as members magazine quarterly by the German Association for Asian Studies Association


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