Hugo Grothe

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Albert Louis Hugo Grothe (born August 15, 1869 in Magdeburg ; † December 28, 1954 in Starnberg ) was a German cultural politician, scientist, geographer and orientalist. Among other things, he wrote travel reports of expeditions to the Middle East and Austria-Hungary .


His parents were the bank director Albert Louis Grothe († 1913) and his wife Bertha Oemler († 1913) from Mansfeld.

Live and act

Grothes father was involved in the construction of the Baghdad Railway . Hugo Grothe studied at six universities. He was first in Rostock for Dr. iur. PhD; In 1902, with a geographic and folklore work on the Baghdad Railway in 1902 in Würzburg, he became Dr. phil. PhD. From 1896 to 1912 he traveled extensively in the Islamic world and wrote a large expedition work about it, which is one of his main works. In 1916 he completed his habilitation in geography at the TU Stuttgart .

He founded the Oriental Society in Munich in 1900 and built the German Cultural Political Society and the Institute for Foreign Studies and German Abroad in Leipzig , the latter he opened in November 1918. At the end of the 1920s and during the Nazi era, he was more and more involved in research Support of the German ethnic groups abroad .


In 1923 he married Charlotte Wunderlich , a daughter of the book printer owner Hans Wunderlich from Leipzig. The couple had a son.

Works (selection)

  • 1903: On Turkish soil. Travel pictures and studies ( digitized )
  • 1909: Geographical character pictures from Asiatic Turkey and the southern Mesopotamian-Iranian border mountains (Puscht-i-kuh). A representation of the surface shape, population, settlement and economy . With 176 original photos and three maps. (Verlag Karl W. Hiersemann, Leipzig)
  • 1910: Migrations in Persia. Experienced and seen
  • 1911: My expedition to the Middle East in 1906 and 1907
  • 1913: Through Albania and Montenegro ( digitized version )
  • 1931: The German language island Gottschee in Slovenia
  • 1927: 700 years of German life in the Zips
  • 1932: The Germans overseas
  • 1934: The German Volkstum in Slovakia in the past and present


Web links


  1. a b Wolf Benicke: Article about Grothe in the NDB, see section literature