Askomill House

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Askomill House
Creation time : before 1598
Castle type : solid house
Conservation status: unknown

Askomill House , also Askomull House , was a permanent house northeast of Campbeltown on the Kintyre Peninsula in the Scottish administrative division of Argyll and Bute .


Angus MacDonald, 8th of Dunnyveg , was surrounded at Askomill House in Kintyre in 1598 by 100-200 men under the leadership of his son, Sir James MacDonald, 9th of Dunnyveg , who had been sent by the Privy Council for his father's submission to covet under King James V. Angus MacDonald refused to leave his home and suffered burn injuries after his son set the house on fire. He was later captured and ironed at Smerby Castle .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Angus MacDonald, Archibald MacDonald: The Clan Donald . Volume 2. The Northern Counties Publishing Company, Inverness 1900. p. 569. Retrieved February 3, 2017.