Asta Jasiūnienė

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Asta Jasiūnienė (born August 19, 1963 in Stačiūnai , Rajongemeinde Pasvalys ) is a Lithuanian politician, mayor of the Rajongemeinde Pakruojis .


After high school she graduated from the Diploma in 1985 accounting of Agriculture at the Lietuvos žemės ūkio akademija and was an economist. In 1986 she worked in the "Jaunoji gvardija" kolkhoz , then in Pamūšis , in the Pašvitinys district as the head of the agricultural office. From 2007 to 2012 she was director of the local government of Pakruojis Rajong Municipality . She has been the mayor of Pakruojis since April 2012 .

From 1990 she was a member of the Lietuvos Demokratieinė darbo partija , from 2001 the Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija , Lietuvos socialdemokračių moterų sąjunga .

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