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Game data
author Christian Raffeiner , Helmut Walch
graphic Graphic studio Otto Maier Verlag
publishing company Otto Maier Verlag Ravensburg
Publishing year 1990
Art Board game
Teammates 3 to 6
Duration about 60 minutes
Age from 18 years

Astrotime is a board and communication game by the game authors Christian Raffeiner and Helmut Walch , which was published by Otto Maier Verlag Ravensburg in 1990 . It is a game in which the other players have to assess themselves in different situations.

Theme and equipment

Astrotime is thematically classified in astrology and esoteric and links the characteristics of the players with their horoscopes assigned via the signs of the zodiac . The players are confronted with stories through stories that they have to face most with the help of 14 different talents. In this way, the players develop a personality, which is interpreted via the “Book of Zodiac Signs” contained in the game.

In addition to instructions, the game material consists of:

  • a game board with a representation of the zodiac and the zodiac signs,
  • an astro stone,
  • six pawns in six colors,
  • 36 success stones, six of them in one of the six colors,
  • 384 situation cards with experience stories,
  • six game tables into which cards can be inserted
  • two red pens,
  • 12 zodiac cards, and
  • a "book of the zodiac"

Style of play

Game preparation

Before the game, the playing field is placed in the middle of the table and the astro stone is placed on the constellation of Aries , which represents the beginning of the astrological year. Each player receives a game board and chooses one of the colored game pieces. The game board is prepared according to the game instructions. To do this, each player selects the card with his star sign and pushes it with the blue-yellow side forward into the tableau. As a result, 10 of the 20 talents or personal strengths and one of the two preceding points appear on the tableau in yellow, which are assigned to the player as basic talents. The yellow points are painted red with the foil pen and each player may mark another 4 of the remaining 30 points in red, which he finds applicable to himself. In order to mark a particularly pronounced talent, the player can also mark both fields in red. Then the zodiac map is removed again. Finally, each player receives six success stones in the different available colors and places them on the basic row of the success field facing him on the game board. The situation cards remain shuffled in the game box.

Game flow

The Astrotime game runs over 12 rounds according to the signs of the zodiac and ends when the astro stone has reached Aries again. A game master is appointed by the players who takes over the card actions. If there are three or four players, the game master places one card on each of the two spaces A and B on the game board; if there are five or six players, a third card is added. The situation cards each describe a situation on the front, the reverse is printed with a code in yellow and black. The players try to get at least one of these situation cards each round. To do this, each player thinks about which talents are needed to master the situation. Each player then assesses whether his talents are sufficiently suitable and places his pawn on the corresponding card field that most closely applies.

When all players have placed their stone, starting with card A, they pick up the cards for which they have placed and push them into their tableau with the coded side facing forward. As a result, some talents light up yellow and the corresponding points that are assigned to the situation light up red. Each player can see the number of talents he can show for this situation by means of the red dots that light up. The players place their pawns on the corresponding point fields on the card. Then it is determined which players have the most talents per card on which they have placed their figure; however, you must always have at least four of the required talents to win the card. The winners now place the success markers corresponding to the colors on the situation card on their success track one space upwards; in the event of a tie, several people can book a card for themselves.

The round ends with the scoring and the game master moves the astro stone one space forward. Then he lays out new situation cards and starts the next round.

End of game and evaluation

Over the laps, the success stones, which demonstrate the six goals in life, move upwards and upwards, whereby individual stones advance faster than others due to the talents. The more Success Stones a player can advance, the more life goals he will achieve:

  • red: respect and admiration
  • yellow: power and influence
  • green: income and wealth
  • blue: sympathy and friendship
  • gray: harmony and family happiness
  • purple: experience and knowledge

The game ends after 12 rounds when the astro stone has reached the Aries again. The game result is determined by multiplying the number of goals in life (in which he has advanced at least one space) by the number of levels reached on the ladder for all goals in life. The player with the highest total number of points wins.

The combination of life goals can then be interpreted in the book of zodiac signs for each player.


The Astrotime game was developed by the game authors Christian Raffeiner and Helmut Walch , who jointly designed and published many other games. In 1990 it was published in German, French and Dutch by Otto Maier Verlag Ravensburg .

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e f g h i Instructions for use Astrotime , Otto Maier Verlag Ravensburg, 1990; accessed on October 23, 2018.
  2. Astrotime , versions at BoardGameGeek. Retrieved October 23, 2018 .

Web links