Atilio Lombardo

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Atilio Lombardo Nolle (* 1902 , † June 21, 1984 in Montevideo ) was a Uruguayan botanist . Its botanical author's abbreviation is " Lombardo ".

In 1919 he completed his training at the Escuela Municipal de Jardinería in Montevideo. From 1940 to 1973 he was director of the Museo Botánico and the Botanical Garden of Montevideo. Lombardo dealt with the study of plants and devoted himself in particular to taxonomy . He published numerous writings in both domestic and foreign magazines and wrote several books. The botanical garden Jardín Botánico Profesor Atilio Lombardo in Montevideo is named after him.

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Individual evidence

  1. Académicos de Número que han ocupado cada uno de los diecinueve sillones de la Academia Nacional de Letras ( Memento of August 5, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, Volume 24, p. 213 , accessed on January 13, 2014.