Foreign citizenship Hückeswagen

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The outside citizenship of Hückeswagen was until the 19th century the rural outskirts of the freedom Hückeswagen within the parish Hückeswagen in the Bergisch Amt Hückeswagen . The honors Berghausen , Große Honschaft , Herdingsfeld and Lüdorf belonged to the foreign citizenship .

From 1815, the foreign citizenship belonged to Berg mayoralty Hückeswagen in the district Lennep of the administrative district of Dusseldorf within the Prussian Rhine Province . It was dissolved on January 10, 1861, when the external citizenship was converted to the rural community Neuhückeswagen .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Fabricius: Explanations of the historical atlas of the Rhine province , Volume 2 - The map of 1798 ; Bonn 1898