Gusen audio path

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The invisible warehouse - Audioweg Gusen is an art project by the Berlin-based artist Christoph Mayer .


This art project provides information and reflections on the former Gusen I and Gusen II concentration camp complexes , which became virtually invisible due to overbuilding in the post-war decades, along a 2.5-kilometer path that takes about 96 minutes to walk through . While walking through headphones, users of the Gusen audio path are informed and guided at the authentic location by survivors, perpetrators, a spokeswoman and people who now live in the area of ​​the former Gusen concentration camp, and they dive into the tragic events of the second - like a journey through time World war one.


The Gusen audio path begins at the Gusen visitor center in Langenstein and ends in front of the locked access gate to Bergkristall , the large former underground aircraft factory of the Gusen II concentration camp in St. Georgen an der Gusen . It leads past the former Jourhaus (the main entrance) to the former Gusen I concentration camp , two still existing SS administration buildings, the former prisoner brothel used as a residential building today, the two prisoner blocks 6 and 7/8, which were also solidly constructed at that time, and which is now partially buried Appellplatz, the ruins of the former stone crusher and the Gusen Memorial . The audio path continues across the area of ​​the former prisoner area with its death barracks, known as the train station , to the area of ​​the former Gusen II concentration camp. From there, the route of the former towing railway of the former concentration camp complex leads to the former SS takeover station and the 1941 also from concentration camp Prisoners built a towing bridge to today's access portal of the former Bergkristall aircraft factory of the Gusen II concentration camp.


The Gusen audio trail was opened in 2007 by Barbara Prammer , President of the Austrian National Council , and can also be used in English and Italian .

Availability of audio devices

The required audio equipment can be borrowed free of charge after registering by telephone at the Mauthausen Memorial in the Gusen visitor center (and possibly in the Pree (Gusen) and Marktstube (St. Georgen) restaurants ).

Project team

Participants in the Audioweg Gusen project :

  • Idea and artistic realization: Christoph Mayer chm.
  • Dramaturgy, co-direction and audio production: Andreas Hagelüken
  • Music: Kai-Uwe Kohlschmidt
  • Voice: Jule Böwe
  • External sound recordings: Jörg Theil
  • Sound design: Jörg Höhne, Robin Pohle, Sven Serfling
  • historical advice: Rudolf Haunschmied , Bertrand Perz
  • psychological counseling: Clava Grimm
  • Organization: Luis Wohlmuther
  • Public relations: the boys' communication

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Christoph Mayer: The invisible camp - audio path Gusen. Berlin 2007.
  2. Gusen visitor center at
  3. the boys' communication: Gusen audio path. The invisible camp. Media information on the occasion of the opening of the Italian version of the Gusen audio trail. Saturday, October 31, 2009. (PDF) p. 7, on