Auffenberg's monitor lizard

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Auffenberg's monitor lizard
Varanus auffenbergi008.jpg

Auffenberg's monitor lizard ( Varanus auffenbergi )

Order : Scale reptiles (Squamata)
without rank: Toxicofera
without rank: Sneaky (Anguimorpha)
Family : Varanidae
Genre : Monitor lizards ( varanus )
Type : Auffenberg's monitor lizard
Scientific name
Varanus auffenbergi
Sprackland , 1999

About the genus of lizards belonging peacock monitor ( Varanus auffenbergi ), little is known. It was only newly described by Sprackland in 1999 as a separate species. The Auffenberg's monitor lizard was previously considered a subspecies Varanus timorensis roti , the name of which refers to the island of Roti , the origin of this species. According to Böhme, specific species differences to V. timorensis must still be shown.


The head-torso-length of the species is, depending on the source, 205 to 216 mm. The total length of V. auffenbergi is approx. 60 cm in an adult male, the females usually remain somewhat smaller.

The upper side of the animals shows a dark gray, which is covered with irregularly distributed ocells. In these ocells there is usually a spot that varies between blue and gray, between the ocels the animals are speckled light red to light brown.


The Varanus auffenbergi occurs endemically only on the Indonesian island of Roti .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Raul del Canto: Notes on the Occurrence of Varanus auffenbergi on Roti Island. In: Biawak 1 (1). Pp. 24-25. ( Online )
  2. Wolfgang Böhme: Checklist of the living monitor lizards of the world (family Varanidae). Zool. Verh. Leiden 341, 2003. ( Online )
  3. Shai Meiri: Evolution and ecology of lizard body sizes. In: Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2008, 17, pp. 724-734. ( Online ; PDF file; 891 kB)

Web links

Commons : Auffenbergs Waran ( Varanus auffenbergi )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files