August Habich

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August Habich (1912)

August Habich (born January 8, 1869 in Östringen ; † unknown) was a German racing cyclist and entrepreneur.

August Habich only learned to ride a bike at the age of 20. Three years later he started his first road race and won. In August 1892 he won the championship of the General Cyclists Union over 7500 meters. Habich was still an amateur , but in 1894, since he had obviously accepted cash prizes in track races, he was banned from starting amateur races by the German Cyclists' Association and declared a professional driver . In the following years he was one of the best and most popular pilots in Germany. With his partners Paul Mündner and (?) Beckers, he was for a long time almost unbeatable on the tandem . In 1896 he was third in the German sprint championship.

In 1896 the German Racing Driver Association (DRV), an interest group for professional drivers, was founded and Habich was its chairman, later honorary chairman.

After finishing his cycling career in the autumn of 1899, the trained businessman Habich founded a flourishing trade for bicycle parts in Kaiserslautern , which existed as August Habich GmbH & Co. KG until the 1970s.

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Individual evidence

  1. Interest group for cycling (ed.): The cycling . No. 5/6/1948 . Sportdienst Verlag Zademack and Noster, Cologne, p. 2 .
  2. Report of the Federal Cartel Office on its activities in 1979/1980 as well as on the situation and development in its field of activity. (PDF) German Bundestag, accessed on October 8, 2014 (9th electoral term).