August Pfeiffer (physician)

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August Pfeiffer (born June 28, 1848 in Wiesbaden ; † May 17, 1919 there ) was a German doctor and bacteriologist.


August von Pfeiffer studied medicine at the universities of Bonn, Marburg and Würzburg. In Würzburg he became a member of the Corps Nassovia in 1869 . In 1873 he was promoted to Dr. med. obtained his doctorate and settled in Nieder-Walluf am Rhein as a general practitioner in 1874. He received his training as a bacteriologist in Göttingen and Berlin from Robert Koch and Carl Flügge . He later moved to Wiesbaden, where he became head of department and sworn expert at the food inspection office. In 1887 he was appointed physician of the city and district of Wiesbaden and in 1891 he was appointed to the government and medical council of the district government in Wiesbaden.

In his scientific work he carried out bacteriological and hygienic examinations. In 1883, together with H. Pagenstecher, he succeeded for the first time in successfully vaccinating rabbits with lupose tissue in the anterior chamber with detection of Koch's bacilli. In 1885 he succeeded for the first time in detecting typhus bacilli in the stool of typhus patients. In 1886 he was able to determine the first occurrence of Asiatic cholera in Germany in the villages of Finthen and Gonsenheim after the discovery of the comma bacilli through evidence of Koch's cholera vibrations.


August Pfeiffer was appointed secret medical councilor in 1900.


  • Vivisection and the agitation of their opponents , 1882 (together with Mestrum)
  • On bacillary pseudotuberculosis in rodents , 1889
  • Hygiene and Epidemiology , 1891
  • Instructions for carrying out bacteriological water tests , 1892
  • Manual of Administrative Hygiene , 1895
  • Reports on the administration of the medicinal system in the Wiesbaden administrative district , 1889/91 and 1892/94


  • Pagel: Biographical lexicon of outstanding doctors of the nineteenth century . Berlin, Vienna 1901, Sp. 1288. ( Permalink )

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 142 , 328