August Wirths

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August Wilhelm Reinhard Louis Wirths (born December 10, 1814 in Bringhausen ; † in the 19th century) was a driving force of the March Revolution in the Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont and a member of parliament .

Wirths was the son of the mining inspector Friedrich Wirths and his wife Louise nee Eigenbrod. He married on April 1, 1845 in Warendorf / Westf. Maria Franziska Katharina Bernhardine Johannknecht, the daughter of Dr. med. Franz Joseph Johannknecht.

Wirths studied theology without getting a degree. From 1840 to 1843 he was the interim administrator of the rent master's position in Schaaken as the successor to his deceased father and then an economist in Immighausen.

During the March Revolution he was the leading force of the radical democrats in Waldeck. From 1849 to 1851 (V constituency), 1851 to 1852 (VI. Constituency), 1855 to 1860 (constituency of Eder ) and again from 1860 to 1862 (constituency of Eisenberg ) he was a member of the state parliament of the Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont .

He was the author of many pamphlets. In 1849 he was the founder of the newspaper "Volksstimme", which appeared until the spring of 1852. In 1851 he was sentenced to three months in prison for press violations. In 1860 he sold all of his goods and moved to Rhoden, where he leased a quarry in Wrexen. In 1862 bankruptcy proceedings took place before the Arolsen District Court. He later became a post office worker in Cologne-Ehrenfeld.


  • Story by a man from the land of the new freedom, April 1848


  • Reinhard König: The members of the Waldeck Landtag from 1848 to 1929 . Hessisches Staatsarchiv, Marburg 1985, ISBN 3-88964-122-9 , p. 415.
  • Jochen Lengemann : MdL Hessen 1808-1996, 1996, ISBN 3-7708-1071-6 , pp. 97-98.
  • Gerhard Menk: From feudal agrarian state to modern constitutional state; in: Klaus Böhme, Bernd Heidenreich (eds.): “Unity and Law and Freedom”: The revolution of 1848/49 in the state of Hesse, 2013, ISBN 9783322833402 , pp. 63, 78–83.

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