Auguste Le Hérissé

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Coat of arms of the Le Hérissé family

Auguste Louis René Joseph Le Hérissé (born March 29, 1876 in Antrain , Département Ille-et-Vilaine , † September 11, 1953 ) was the French administrator of Dahomey at the beginning of the 20th century and married a princess from the royal family there.

His main work L'ancien Royaume du Dahomey on this ancient African kingdom presents its customs, religion and history and is considered an ethnological classic.


  • L'ancien Royaume du Dahomey. Mœurs, religion, histoire. Larose, Paris 1911 digitized version


  • Robert Cornevin: Auguste Le Hérissé . In: Académie des sciences d'outre-mer : Hommes et destins: dictionnaire biographique d'outre-mer . Académie des sciences d'outre-mer, Paris 1975–1989.

Individual evidence

  1. Ecrire l'histoire de l'Afrique à l'époque coloniale (XIXe-XXe siècles) . Karthala Editions, 2009, ISBN 978-2-8111-3212-5 , pp. 166 ( Google Books ).