Proof of training

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The training certificate is the name of one in Germany record book about the vocational training come, the special features in addition to educational management and control functions. The importance in the Federal Republic of Germany is presented below.

Formal background

Written proof of training is required in almost all occupations in dual training . The trainees are obliged to keep the evidence of training carefully. The trainer, in turn, is obliged to encourage the trainees to do so and to regularly review the training certificate. The trainee must be able to provide evidence during the training period in the company. The legal regulation can be found in the German Vocational Training Act § 13, Item 7 and in the HwO and are regulated professionally in the respective training regulations.

Educational background

Keeping the report booklet should encourage the trainee to present the knowledge and skills acquired from his point of view and thus to document the level of training achieved from a subjective point of view or to reflect critically on it. Regular checks on the part of the trainer mean that it should “take the place it deserves in training as a document and means of acquiring skills”. The pedagogical added value is given in particular by the connection with the lead text method when providing evidence.


The report booklet should serve to reflect on the content and the course of the training. In terms of time and content, it should be aligned with the course of training in the company and in the vocational school. All departments involved in the training - in particular those responsible for monitoring the vocational training - should thus receive a comprehensible proof of the training in a simple form.

Significance for the exam

Properly managed proof of training is a prerequisite for admission to the final examination in accordance with Section 43 (1) No. 2 BBiG and Section 36 (1) No. 2 HwO. In some training regulations or regulations of the responsible bodies it is also stipulated that this must be brought to the oral / practical examination. However, it only serves as proof of proper training and may not be graded in any way or otherwise be included in the assessment of the examination.

Proof of training in practice

The image of a burdensome obligation still attaches to the keeping of evidence, even if it has gained in importance due to the legal regulations and it has been given a higher educational value.

It can be kept as a loose collection of sheets as well as in electronic form. Daily, weekly or monthly reports are permitted. Regionally, guidelines are usually adopted and templates are made available by the respective competent bodies - usually the IHK , HWK and Chamber of Agriculture . It is not compulsory for students to retrain and for those who take the external examination.


  • Freytag / Grasmer (ed.): The trainer in the company , 41st edition, Fachbuchverlag Weber & Weidemeyer, Kassel 2012, ISBN 3-925272-23-2
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Ed.): Training and Profession , 2012

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Ed.): Training and Profession , 2012, p. 15f.
  2. The report book. In: Retrieved April 20, 2016 .
  3. Regulations on keeping evidence of training. Report booklet. IHK Cologne, accessed on April 20, 2016 .