Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

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The Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection ( English Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection , IMCO ) is one of the 20 committees of the European Parliament . Petra De Sutter ( Groen / G-EFA ) has been chairman of the committee since July 2019 .

Its responsibilities include the harmonization of legislation in the European Union in the area of ​​the internal market and customs union , in particular the free movement of goods including the harmonization of technical standards , the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide services . The Internal Market Committee deals with measures to identify and overcome barriers to the internal market and consumer protection . However, aspects of public health care and food safety do not fall within the scope of the Internal Market Committee; the environmental committee is responsible for this .

Chairperson (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Parliament's committees-elect chairs and vice-chairs | News | European Parliament. July 10, 2019, accessed on July 18, 2019 .