Highway toll

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The motorway tolls and highway use tax and toll should also serve to state funding a four-lane intersection-free for motor traffic between Duesseldorf North and Dusseldorf highway road and is comparable to the debate about the introduction of a toll to compare from the 1927th


According to the plans of the Rhine Province , the construction costs estimated at 17 million RM for the 31.5-kilometer route on the right bank of the Rhine were to be financed and managed economically through additional charges of 5 pfennigs for passenger cars and 10 pfennigs for trucks per kilometer driven.

Cabinet template

According to the cabinet proposal of the Reich Minister of Transport Wilhelm Koch , the necessity was questioned financially, but not fundamentally rejected, with reference to the existing and repaired railway, country roads and waterways network.

Vehicle tax

In connection with this project, Wilhelm Koch referred to the previously high vehicle tax that users had to pay as well as their claim to provide suitable routes and refused to register users.

Rhenish Provincial Association

In order to make the financing possible, the Reich Labor Ministry , citing Reich Chancellor Wilhelm Marx , declared that it would finance the project from their unemployed welfare . Involved were Secretary Arthur Zarden and Governor Horion touch .

Reich Ministry of Finance

Arthur Zarden also spoke out against the "motorway toll" and other departments such as the Reich Ministry of Post and the Reich Economics Minister raised concerns about the project. The Reich Ministry of Post was involved through the requested statement from the Reich Ministry of Transport , which resulted in the postponement of a resolution, suggested by the Reich Chancellor.

The departmental meeting of March 31, 1927 resulted in the construction project being carried out and the motorway usage tax not being levied.

Individual evidence

  1. Autobahnstrasse Cologne-Düsseldorf , accessed on August 15, 2013