Auxentius of Dorostorum

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Dorostorum ( dorosteru ) on the Tabula Peutingeriana in the 4th century AD.

Auxentius was Bishop of Durostorum in Lower Moesia . He was a student and therefore contemporary of the Gothic missionary bishop Wulfila , so he lived in the second half of the 4th century. Nothing more is known about his origin and his life.

Like his teacher, Auxentius belonged to the 'homeeric' direction of an Origenistic Christianity, the so-called 'Origenistic middle group', which until a few decades ago was wrongly assigned to Arianism . In 383 he wrote a Vita Wulfilas (Epistola de fide, vita et obitu Wulfilae) , which was not least a justification for Arianism. Auxentius' writing has only come down to us in a handwritten source in poor condition. It was discovered in a Paris codex in 1840.


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