Adolf Jülicher

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Adolf Jülicher (1857–1938)

Adolf Jülicher (born January 26, 1857 in Falkenberg near Berlin ; † August 2, 1938 in Marburg ) was a German Protestant theologian who researched topics of the New Testament and church history . Above all, his textbook Introduction to the New Testament, which was published several times, and his presentation of Jesus' speeches in parables became known .


Adolf Jülicher was born on January 26, 1857 in Falkenberg. He grew up in a strictly religious family: his father, Friedrich Jülicher, was a teacher in a boys' home by profession and tended to pietism in his religious views . His mother was Karoline Paege. Due to an injury from a railway accident , his ability to walk was made more difficult, along with a birth defect. From 1867 to 1875 Jülicher suffered from the Paulinum Boys' Convict in Berlin-Dahlem . He then studied Protestant theology at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . His lecturers here included August Dillmann , Otto Pfleiderer and Bernhard Weiß . His doctorate took place in Halle (Saale) in 1880 with a thesis on the Old Testament ( The sources of Exodus I – VII, 7 ).

After completing his studies, Jülicher preached at the Friedrichs Orphanage in Rummelsburg from 1882 . At the same time he was working on a paper on The Parable Speeches of Jesus , which is now a New Testament study. In 1886 he received the academic degree of Lic. Theol for work at the theological faculty of Berlin University . and thus the license to teach. In 1887 he became a private lecturer in Berlin and completed his habilitation with a thesis on church history . In 1888 Jülicher was then appointed to an extraordinary professorship at the University of Marburg ; In 1889 he became full professor for the New Testament and church history. In 1897 Jülicher turned down an offer at Heidelberg University. As later rector of the University of Marburg and as multiple dean of the theological faculty. There he dealt critically with the appointment policy of the Prussian Ministry of Culture and, as a Protestant republican, took sides in disputed questions of church and general politics.

In the period that followed, he published numerous, sometimes very influential, works on the New Testament and church history. Its introduction to the New Testament was used in teaching for decades; His parable speeches of Jesus were repeatedly reprinted. In addition, he wrote numerous reviews and almost 300 articles on church history for Pauly's Realencyclopadie der Classischen Antiquity (RE). Jülicher was an exposed exponent of the historical-critical method who succeeded in helping theology to gain new recognition in the scientific world. In 1923 he retired, but despite his blindness in 1925 he continued to work tirelessly on his studies, most recently on an edition of the New Testament according to the Old Latin tradition, the first edition of which he was able to experience. He died on August 2, 1938 in Marburg.


  • The sources of Exodus I – VII, 7 . Diss. Phil., Halle 1880.
  • The parable speeches of Jesus :
    • Volume 1, Freiburg 1886 (new editions 1888, 1899; reprints 1910, 1963, 1969, 1976).
    • Volume 2, Freiburg 1899 (reprints like Volume 1).
  • Introduction to the New Testament . Freiburg 1894 (new editions 1901, 1906, 1913, 1919, 1921, 1931 (revised in conjunction with Erich Fascher ); English translation 1904).
  • Modern differences of opinion about the method, task and goals of church history: Speech given when the rector took office on October 13, 1901 (= Marburg academic speeches, vol. 5). Elwert, Marburg 1901 ( digitized version )
  • New lines in the criticism of the evangelical tradition . Alfred Töpelmann, Giessen 1906.
  • The religion of Jesus and the beginnings of Christianity up to the Nicaenum . 2nd, greatly increased and revised edition. Teubner, Leipzig 1909.
  • with Heinrich Julius Holtzmann and Walter Bauer : Textbook of New Testament Theology . 2nd, revised edition. Mohr, Tübingen 1911.
  • as editor: Vincenz von Lerinum : Commonitorium pro catholicae fidei antiquitate et universitate adversus profanas omnium haereticorum novitates . 2nd, revised edition. Tübingen 1925 (reprint: Minerva, Frankfurt 1968).
  • as editor: Itala. The New Testament in Old Latin tradition based on the manuscripts . 4 volumes. Read through and obtained for printing by Walter Matzkow and Kurt Aland . 1938ff .; 2nd, improved edition. de Gruyter, Berlin 1970.


Web links

Wikisource: Adolf Jülicher  - Sources and full texts

References and comments

  1. see Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg (HStAMR), Best. 915 No. 5753, p. 85 ( digitized version ).
  2. Hans Hohlwein: Jülicher, Adolf. NDB 10 (1974), German biography [1]
  3. ^ Ulrich Mell: Jülicher, Adolf. Created: June 2010, [2]
  4. Cf. general register and list of all articles recorded so far by Adolf Jülicher in the digital version of RE at Wikisource .