Avraam Shmulevich

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Avraam Shmulevich , actually Nikita Demin (* 1965 in Murmansk ) is an Israeli Zionist and founder of the Bead Arzeynu movement ( For our country ).


Avraam Shmulevich was born into a family of journalists and studied in the Department of Biology at Leningrad University . When he found out that his grandmother was Jewish, he started attending the synagogue , accepted the Jewish faith, and learned Hebrew . In the early 1980s he applied for repatriation to Israel, but was refused (Refusenik). In 1984 he received Israeli citizenship, but did not emigrate. He was arrested several times for disseminating Jewish literature and holding seminars and was eventually charged with spreading false claims discrediting the Soviet social and economic system .

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, he settled in Hebron , studied at a yeshiva and, after finding a sponsor, founded his own yeshiva for Russian-speaking exiles and an ulpan giyur (convert class) in Kirjat Arba . When he ran out of money, he returned to his historical studies and political advice to various groups.