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Azis (* 7. March 1978 in Sliven as Vasil Trajanow Bojanow , Васил Трaянов Боянов) is a Bulgarian singer Chalga .


He comes from a wealthy Roma family, in whose language some of his songs are also written. He was born in Sliven , grew up in Kostinbrod and Sofia .

In 1989, at the age of eleven, his family moved with him to Germany . He tried a career as a photo model , but failed. He eventually returned to Bulgaria and devoted himself to music. His first album was without commercial success, the following ones were more successful.

In 2005 he took part in the election for the Bulgarian parliament on the list of the Euroroma party, which represents the interests of the Roma minority. The party missed the five percent threshold for participation.

He took part in the Bulgarian edition of Big Brother , but left the show after 19 days at his own request.

Azis often plays with gender identities. On October 1, 2006, he married his partner Nikolai Petrov Parvanov. Since same-sex marriages are not officially recognized in Bulgaria, this was only unofficial. The connection broke up again in 2008 without any major scandals. In earlier years Azis appeared with make-up and silicone breasts.



  • Pain / Болка (1999)
  • Men cry too / Мъжете също плачат (2000)
  • Tears / Сълзи (2001)
  • AZIS / АЗИС (2002)
  • Na Golo / На Голо (2003)
  • King / Кралят (2004)
  • Together - Azis and DesiSlava / Азис и ДесиСлава (2004)
  • Azis 2005 (2005)
  • Diva (2006)
  • Gadna Poroda - Birth (2011)
  • Azis (2014)

Individual evidence

  1. The Most Hated Superstar. In: Retrieved June 10, 2016 .
  3. Азис и Китаеца се разделиха без скандали ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  4. -ARD Studio Vienna: |. Retrieved June 10, 2016 .