Ribbon goggles bird

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Ribbon goggles bird
Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Sylvioidea
Family : Spectacled birds (Zosteropidae)
Genre : Zosterops
Type : Ribbon goggles bird
Scientific name
Zosterops vellalavella
Hartert , 1908

The goggle bird ( Zosterops vellalavella ) is a species of bird in the spectacle bird family . He is on the island of Vella Lavella in the Solomon Islands endemic .


The goggle bird reaches a size of 11.5 centimeters. The plumage is yellowish-olive on the upper side. The white eye ring is interrupted at the front by a dark spot. A dark rein line runs under the eye. The flight feathers and the control feathers are black-brown with wide, yellowish-olive outer edges. The throat and chin are almost yellow-orange and separated from the grayish-white underbust and the belly by an olive-colored chest band. The under tail-coverts are yellow. The iris is reddish brown. The beak is bright yellow. The legs are yellow. The sexes look the same. The young birds have a brownish horn-colored bill and greyish legs. The singing can be heard intensified in the early morning. It consists of a slow series of about ten descending tones with irregular quiet interruptions. The contact call consists of a "tse" or a soft "tse-tse-se-se".

Feudal room

The goggle bird lives in primary and secondary forests, thickets and forest edges as well as coconut plantations with some undergrowth and isolated old trees.

Way of life

Little is known about his way of life. A nestling was observed in November.

Existence and endangerment

The banded goggle bird is on the IUCN's warning list ( near threatened ) due to the loss of habitat and its small distribution area . It is currently described as frequent, but planned extensive deforestation on Vella Lavella could endanger its existence.


  • Joseph Del Hoyo, Andrew Elliot, David A. Christie (Eds.): Handbook of the Birds of the World. Volume 13: Penduline-Tits to Shrikes. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona 2008, ISBN 978-84-96553-45-3 .

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