Bärenröder pond

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Bärenröder pond
The pond just before sunset
The pond just before sunset
Location: Elbingstal , Lower Harz , Saxony-Anhalt , Germany
Tributaries: Steinfurtbach
Drain: Steinfurtbach
Larger places on the shore: Bärenrode
Larger places nearby: Güntersberge
Bärenröder pond (Saxony-Anhalt)
Bärenröder pond
Coordinates 51 ° 39 '48 "  N , 10 ° 59' 38"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 39 '48 "  N , 10 ° 59' 38"  E
Data on the structure
Construction time: before 1518
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 40 adep1

heavily silted up

The Bärenröder pond is a reservoir in the Lower Harz . The Steinfurtbach is dammed - which is dammed again further downstream in the Elbingstalteich .


The reservoir is located in Bärenrode in Saxony-Anhalt.


When the pond was created is unknown. The Bärenrode settlement was built in 1518 on the already existing pond. The pond is now heavily silted up and overgrown with reeds .

See also:

Web links

Commons : Bärenröder Teich  - Collection of images, videos and audio files