Stage technician

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Stage technicians are responsible for the technical processes, i.e. for the stage technology , before, during and after the performances at a theater .

The stage manager is responsible for all technical processes, the stage manager takes care of the organizational flow of the stage events during the performance or rehearsals.

Stage worker in the Burgtheater

Special tasks

There are also various tasks that are often performed by different stage technicians. At smaller theaters this differentiation is partially eliminated and all stage technicians participate in all tasks that arise during renovations.

  • Schnürmeister or head machinists are responsible for the movements of the scenery, walls and curtains in the Schnürboden (theater)
  • Theater machinists or sub-machinists - responsible for all carriage and podium movements of the stage machinery
  • Decorators also use furniture makers who attach floor coverings to the stage floor, move curtains, furniture and smaller stage parts.
  • Stage technicians who move the scenery . In the past these were mostly joiners or locksmiths.
  • Props masters , responsible for smaller parts ( props ), but also for fog, snow, weapons or pyrotechnics . Some theaters also have their own armory department, which is only responsible for weapons, pyrotechnics or special effects.
  • the lighting department, which forms a separate unit (see theater lighting )

See also