Baden farming school

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The Baden Farmer's School, most recently the Rural Folk High School in Tiengen, was an agricultural training center of the Baden Agricultural Association until 2004 .


On November 22, 1931, the Badische Bauernschule was more association mergers under Lambert Schill in Castle Ittendorf founded . This farmer's school was forcibly closed in 1933 and re-established in Schwerzen after the Second World War . From 1948 to 1955 the school was housed in a former labor service barrack in Schwerzen. With the 4th main course in 1955, the company moved to a new building on the Vitibuck in Tiengen . The institution, renamed in the 1990s as Rural Heimvolkshochschule, ended its activity as a training center for the BLHV in 2004 . World iconWorld iconWorld icon


Badischer Landwirtschaftlicher Hauptverband eV, Freiburg (Hrsg.): The way of the farmer college. Festschrift for the opening of the Badische Bauernschule Tiengen , 1955

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Südkurier: Farmer's School Closes , September 29, 2004