Messina Centrale railway station

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Messina Centrale / Messina Marittima
ATM 04T Repubblica 2016-04-15.jpg
Messina Centrale station building
Location in the network End station , through station
Platform tracks 9
IBNR 8300332
opening 1866
Architectural data
architect Angiolo Mazzoni
City / municipality Messina
Metropolitan city Metropolitan city of Messina
region Sicily
Country Italy
Coordinates 38 ° 11 '8 "  N , 15 ° 33' 40"  E Coordinates: 38 ° 11 '8 "  N , 15 ° 33' 40"  E
Railway lines
List of train stations in Italy
i16 i16 i18

Messina Centrale train station is the main train station in the city of Messina in Sicily . It is directly connected to the Messina Marittima train station and is operated by Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI), an organizational unit of Ferrovie dello Stato . From 2001 to 2018, the Centostazioni company was responsible for marketing and leasing the retail space .


The station is located in the 4th administrative district of Messinas on the edge of the city center and south of the port. Via the gallery-like house platform on platform 1 you can get directly to the Messina Marittima ferry station to the north .


The first station in Messina Centrale
Counter hall
House platform, track 1, with a view of the connecting passage to Messina Marittima station

On December 12, 1866, the station was opened with the inauguration of the first section of the Messina – Syracuse line to Taormina - Giardini . Since 1889 it has also been the terminus of the Fiumetorto – Messina railway line , which was completed in 1895.

After the earthquake in Messina in 1908 , the reception building was destroyed and rebuilt in its original state. The first station building gave way in 1939 to a new building designed by the architect Angiolo Mazzoni , which combined the Centrale and Marittima stations in one building complex. The current station building is a contemporary witness of the fascist era .



The station has a ticket office, ticket machines, a bar and a magazine and tobacco shop. There is also a service center for passengers with reduced mobility ( Sala blu ). There is also a station of the railway police ( Polizia di Stato ) in the station.

Track system

The two western platforms are butt tracks, the eastern platform tracks lead into the Marittima station. At the southern end of the station are the Messina depot and the Messina Scalo depot .

Messina Marittima station

Messina Marittima reception building
Messina Marittima counter hall

The Messina Marittima station is operationally an independent station, although it is structurally connected to the facilities of the Messina Centrale station. It is the ferry station and the starting point of the railway project from Sicily over the Strait of Messina to the Italian mainland. The destination port is Villa San Giovanni in Calabria . The Marittima station was closed to passenger traffic in 2012. Today it only serves as a depot for loading and unloading the railway ferries. Passenger and freight trains are hauled at the station several times a day. The loading of the railway wagons takes place via height-adjustable ramps that are placed on the open bow flaps of the ferry. The previously existing landing and car loading ramps were dismantled in 2012, as the common transport of rail, cars, trucks and pedestrians on the ships was discontinued.

The mosaic hall

The mosaic hall in Messina Marittima station
Detailed view of the wall mosaic

On the distribution floor of the former landing stages there is a large mosaic depicting the history and culture of Sicily. Some elements from the fascist era were presented in a contemporary manner. Due to the closure of the train station, the mosaic hall is no longer accessible.

Transport links

Long-distance transport

The station is served daily by InterCity and night trains. Due to the maneuvering on the rail ferries, there are sometimes long idle times. Within Sicily, the night trains cannot be used in domestic traffic, as they only stop to get off (to Syracuse or Palermo ) or to board in the direction of the mainland, depending on the direction .

designation Train run Remarks
IC Syracuse / Palermo - Roma Termini Two pairs of trains a day
ICN Syracuse / Palermo – Roma Termini Two pairs of trains a day
ICN Syracuse / Palermo– Milan One pair of trains per day

Regional traffic

Regional trains from Palermo and Syracuse end in Messina. In 2009 the Metroferrovia di Messina , a S-Bahn-like traffic, went into operation to Giampilieri .

designation Train run Remarks
RV Messina - Sant'Agata di Militello - Palermo Approx. Every two hours
R. Messina – Sant'Agata di Militello – Palermo
RV Messina – Catania – Syracuse Approx. Every two hours
R. Messina-Taormina-Giardini-Catania
R. Messina-Giampilieri Metroferrovia . Partly every half hour. No traffic on Sundays and public holidays.

city ​​traffic

On the square in front of the station - the Piazza delle Repubblica - there is a transition to the only line of the Messina tram .

Web links

Commons : Messina Centrale Train Station  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Commons : Messina Marittima Station  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Messina Centrale e Marittima - La Storia. (No longer available online.), archived from the original on December 28, 2016 ; Retrieved December 26, 2016 (Italian). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. In demolizione le passerelle della stazione di Messina Marittima. , April 26, 2012, accessed December 28, 2016 (Italian).
  3. ^ Il Mosaico della Stazione Marittima. , accessed December 28, 2016 (Italian).