Banasa dimiata

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Banasa dimiata
Banasa dimiata

Banasa dimiata

Family : Stink bugs (Pentatomidae)
Subfamily : Pentatominae
Tribe : Pentatomini
Genre : Banasa
Type : Banasa dimiata
Scientific name
Banasa dimiata
( Say , 1832)

Banasa dimiata ( syn. Banasa dimidiata ) is a Wanzenart from the family of stink bugs (Pentatomidae). In English the species is also called Red-backed Stink Bug (" red-backed stink bug ").


The 8.5 to 11 millimeter long bugs are variable in color. The color of the pronotum is characteristic and eponymous for this type of bug. The front part is green, while the rear half is mostly red-brown in color. The label is usually greenish in color and has a light spot at the lower end, while the hemielytres are red-brown in color. The species is distinguished from others by the shape of the pygophore (the extension of the ninth abdominal segment in males). In addition, the metapleura have a black spot on the stigmata .


The species occurs in the Nearctic . It is widespread in southern Canada as well as in the United States. In the south, the distribution area extends to northern Mexico.

Way of life

Banasa dimiata is a polyphagous type of bug. The bugs can be found on various trees (such as birches), shrubs (such as the silky dogwood ( Cornus sericea )) and berry bushes.

The bugs are considered economically less important pests .


The following synonyms are known from the literature:

  • Banasa casterlini Bliven , 1958
  • Banasa dimidiata Leconte , 1859
  • Banasa samarana Bliven , 1958
  • Banasa semigravis Bliven , 1958
  • Banasa tempestiva Bliven , 1958
  • Banasa zenia Bliven , 1958
  • Pentatoma dimidiata Leconte , 1859


The suffix dimidiata or dimiata refers to the two-part coloring of the pronotum . It is derived from Latin and means something like "divided into two halves".

Individual evidence

  1. Stink Bug - Banasa dimiata - "Red-backed Stink Bug" . Retrieved January 14, 2017.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j Species Banasa dimidiata . Retrieved January 14, 2017.
  3. a b c Richard L. Hoffman: The Virginia Species of Banasa , Three Decades Later (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) (PDF 277 KB) Banisteria 25: 41-44, 2005 by the Virginia Natural History Society. Retrieved January 14, 2017.
  4. a b K. Kamminga et al .: Field Guide to Stink Bugs (PDF 1.9 MB) Virginia Integrated Pest Management. Retrieved December 23, 2016.
  5. ^ A b David A. Rider: Banasa dimiata (Say, 1831) . North Dakota State University, Fargo. Retrieved January 14, 2017.
  6. ^ Fungi or Plant Host Records List by Host Species . North Dakota State University, Fargo. Retrieved January 14, 2017.
  7. Banasa dimiata . Retrieved January 14, 2017.

Web links

Commons : Banasa dimiata  - collection of images, videos and audio files