Tapeworm infestation in humans

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Classification according to ICD-10
B67.-B71. Infestation with cestodes
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

The tapeworm infection or infestation by tapeworms , of the parasitic infections matters is relatively rare in industrialized countries in humans. Some tapeworms ( Cestoda , Zestoden) belong to the group of human pathogens , i.e. worms which cause disease in humans.


One of the pathogens is one

Route of infection

A frequent localization of the parasitic tapeworms is the intestine . The secondary body covering ( neodermis ) as a special surface structure helps the worms to gain nutrients from the intestinal wall and thus to survive, as well as to attach themselves there and trigger infections. In some cases, certain types of tapeworm can also affect other parts of the human body, such as the brain or liver .

Disease emergence

The normal host cycle begins with human ingestion of eggs or fins. This can happen in different ways. The larvae and ultimately the adult tapeworms then arise in the various organs, especially in the intestine . These cause various inflammatory reactions in the organ systems and can also metastasize via the lymphatic and bloodstream .

There are different types of human pathogenic tapeworms, which differ in their pathogenicity . The fox tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis), for example, leads to the formation of cysts in the liver. Dog tapeworms (Echinococcus granulosus) can also cause such hydatid cysts ( cystic echinococcosis ). More or less in all types of tapeworm infestation in humans, non-specific symptoms such as abdominal pain or itching in the anal region occur. The differential diagnosis of worm infestation should be considered in the case of unexplained abdominal pain.


Efficient therapy for tapeworm infestation can be achieved with praziquantel and niclosamide . Praziquantel leads to paralysis in worms in advanced growth and thus prevents the tapeworm from spreading further. This also influences the pathogenicity of the worms.

In cystic echinococcosis , surgical removal ( resection ) is preferred.

In the past, the extract of the worm fern Dryopteris filix-mas was often used in herbal medicine .

Web links


  1. Onmeda pathogens - helminths (worms) - cestodes (tapeworms)
  2. H. Renz-Polster / S. Krautzig: Basic textbook internal medicine, 4th edition, Urban & Fischer Verlag / Elsevier (2011)
  3. U.-N. Riede / M. Werner / H.-E. Schaefer: General and special pathology, 5th edition, Thieme Verlag (2004)
  4. K. Aktories et al .: General and Special Pharmacology and Toxicology, 10th edition, Urban & Fischer Verlag / Elsevier (2009)
  5. Hans Adolf Kühn: intestinal parasites. In: Ludwig Heilmeyer (ed.): Textbook of internal medicine. Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Göttingen / Heidelberg 1955; 2nd edition ibid 1961, pp. 834-841, here: pp. 834-837.