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Spoken in

Democratic Republic of the Congo , Republic of the Congo
speaker 111,300
Language codes
ISO 639 -1


ISO 639 -2


ISO 639-3


Bangi (also Bobangi, Bubangi, Bungi, Dzamba, Lobobangi and Rebuist) is a Bantu language that is spoken by around 111,300 people (2000 census) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo . It is widespread in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the former province of Equateur east of the Congo River with around 50,900 speakers and in the Republic of the Congo in the Cuvette department with around 60,400 speakers.

Bangi is written in the Latin script , 1909-1922 the New Testament was translated into Bangi.


Bangi forms the Bangi-Ntomba group with the languages Bamwe , Boko , Bolia , Bolondo , Bomboli , Bomboma , Bozaba , Dzando , Lobala , Mabaale , Moi , Ntomba , Sakata , Sengele and Yamongeri and belongs to Guthrie Zone C40.

Bangi is related to the Dzando and Ndolo languages.


1. Book of Moses :

Bangi German
O mabandele Nyambe azalisi likolo na nce. Nc'eliki bulunganu mpe mpamba, mpe liti liliki o likolo li mai ma ntongu: mpe Molimo mombe Nyambe monyengani yule-yule o likolo li mai. Nyambe alobi ete, "Ncengi se lizalaka:" mpe ncengi lizala. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was desolate and empty, and it was dark on the deep; and the Spirit of God floated on the water. And God said: Let there be light! And there was light.

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