Baoshan bamboo texts

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The so-called Baoshan bamboo texts ( Chinese  包山楚简 , Pinyin Baoshan Chujian  - "Chuzeitlichen bamboo slips from Baoshan") were in 1987 in the village of Baoshan, village Wangchang (王场村) the greater community Shilipu (十里铺镇), Circle Shayang (沙洋县) of the prefecture-level city Jingmen , province Hubei , China, discovered. It is one of the largest text finds from the Chu period and an extremely important find for Chinese palaeography from this period. They come from an excavated grave whose owner Shao Tuo 316 BC. Chr. Died.

In terms of their importance, they are comparable to the Guodian finds from 1993. They made sure that the history of the Chinese script had to be rewritten. The finds with records of divination and sacrifices for the grave lord were sensational.


  • Hubei sheng Jingsha tielu kaogudi (Ed.): Baoshan Chujian. Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe 1991


  • Li Ling: Formulaic Structure of Chu Divinatory Bamboo Slips . In: Early China . Vol. 15, 1990, pp. 71-86.
  • Chen Wei 陳偉: Baoshan chujian chutan包 山 楚 簡 初探. Wuhan: Wuhan daxue, 1996.
  • Li Ling 李 零: Zhongguo fangshu kao中國 方 術 考. Beijing: Dongfang, 2001
  • Liu Xinfang 劉信芳: Baoshan chujian jiegu包 山 楚 簡 解 詁. Taipei: Yiwen yishuguan, 2003.
  • Zhang Guangyu (Cheung Kwong-Yue) 張光裕, Yuan Guangyu 袁國華: Baoshan Chujian wenzibian包 山 楚 簡 文字 編, 1992

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