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The Bataung are an ethnic group in South Africa and Lesotho , where they merged with the Basotho people . Your totem is the lion. They originally lived further northwest in the area of ​​the Vaal and Sand rivers and are related to the Barolong . In their original settlement area in today's South African province northwest of the town is Taung .


In the 1820s, a group of them fled the Ndebele south under Moletsane . They asked the head of the Bakoena , Moshoeshoe I. , for protection. He let the Bataung settle west of the Caledon . When these areas were lost in the Seqiti War in the 1860s , Moletsane moved with many bataung to the east side of the Caledon, where they settled around Siloe and Maboloka and became part of the Basotho people. Like most of the residents of Lesotho, they speak Sesotho .

The Bataung, who lived west of the border in the former provinces of Orange Free State , were counted as part of the homeland Bophuthatswana , which was reserved for the Batswana , at the time of apartheid . The Bataung, who felt they were Basotho, defended themselves unsuccessfully , as did the Bataung in the then Transvaal . In 1997 they elected a descendant of Moletsane as the new head.

The history of the Bataung was written down around 1900 by the Swiss missionary of the Société des missions évangéliques de Paris , David Frédéric Ellenberger .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Scott Rosenberg, Richard W. Weis fields Michelle Frisbie-Fulton: Historical Dictionary of Lesotho. Scarecrow Press, Lanham, Maryland / Oxford 2004, ISBN 978-0-8108-4871-9 , p. 40.
  2. a b Submission of Bataung of the Province of Free State to the government regarding their status (English), accessed on January 13, 2014
  3. Book review at (English), accessed on January 13, 2014