Construction supervisor railway

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The Bauüberwacher Bahn (BÜB) is responsible for carrying out the tasks assigned by the Federal Railway Authority to Deutsche Bahn in the construction phase in accordance with the administrative regulation on construction supervision in civil engineering, superstructure and building construction (VV BAU), or the administrative regulation for the Construction supervision of signaling, telecommunication and electrotechnical systems (VV BAU-STE).

He is therefore responsible for compliance with the legal obligations as well as the other obligations and requirements (e.g. from the structural examination or the recognized rules of technology) during the implementation of the construction project.

DB Netz AG subdivides the railway construction supervisors into the following four categories, depending on the subject / discipline affiliation:

  • Construction supervisor superstructure / structural engineering (BÜB Ob / KIB)
  • Construction supervisor control and safety technology (BÜB LST)
  • Construction supervisor telecommunications (BÜB TK)
  • Construction supervisor electrical engineering (BÜB E)

Railway construction supervisors play a key role in infrastructure projects and maintenance work on the infrastructure. Due to new challenges due to the large number of technical innovations in railway technology (e.g. ETCS ), the modernization and mechanization of the route network (digital rail Germany) and the planned expansion of the route network according to the requirement plan implementation agreement between Deutsche Bahn and the federal government, the importance of the job description continues to increase.

Duties of a construction supervisor railway

The tasks of the construction supervision result from the Railway Commissioning Authorization Ordinance (EIGV), the Railway Construction and Operating Regulations (EBO) , the administrative regulations of the Federal Railway Authority as well as group regulations and guidelines of DB Netz AG .

The activities of the construction supervisor can be roughly divided into the following subtasks:

  • Contract law tasks
  • Operational tasks
  • Building supervision tasks
  • Safety-related tasks
  • Technical tasks

Regardless of the respective specialization, one of the main tasks of a railway construction supervisor is the monitoring of construction work on the infrastructure for the railway infrastructure company (EIU) :

  • Monitoring of the contractually compliant execution with regard to quality, costs and deadlines
  • Contract and defect management
  • Construction accounting and preparation of contractual acceptances
  • Plausibility check and fine-tuning of workflows
  • Ensuring coordination for the safe interaction of different contractors
  • When construction is in progress, especially when building under the rolling wheel, ensuring operational, standing and traffic safety (in the case of crossroads also for other modes of transport)
  • Submission of navigability reports
  • Implementation and documentation of building inspectorate interim acceptance
  • Monitoring of construction site logistics
  • Monitoring of accident prevention and occupational health and safety regulations

Qualification requirements for railway construction supervisors

The minimum requirements for qualification as a construction supervisor for the federal railways are specified in the Railway Construction and Operating Regulations (EBO) and the administrative regulations of the EBA. For the respective individual trade (Ob / KIB, LST, TK, E traction current or E 50 Hz), the railway construction supervisor must have two years of trade-specific professional experience as well as sufficient expertise in railway technology.

According to the administrative regulations of the EBA, sufficient expertise can be assumed if:

  1. hold the academic degree of "Diplom-Ingenieur", "Bachelor", "Master" or a comparable qualification from a member state of the European Union in one of the fields of architecture, building construction, civil engineering or a comparable field (BÜB Ob (KIB) or the professional title "Engineer" or a comparable qualification from a member state of the European Union in the fields of electrical engineering or communications engineering or comparable fields may be used (BÜB LST, BÜB TK, BÜB E) and at least 2 years of activity as an engineer can be proven
  2. the requirements of §§ 47 and 48 EBO are met as well as the qualification as a works official acc. Section 54 EBO is available

Training to become a railway construction supervisor

Training to become a railway construction supervisor in one of the above trades is open to anyone who has the prerequisite for a relevant engineering degree.

The training to become a construction supervisor is offered by several approved educational institutions. The following training providers are currently training to become construction supervisors:

  • DB training, learning & consulting
  • Association of German Railway Schools (VDEF)
  • DMB German Society for Management in Construction Practice mbH

At Deutsche Bahn, training to become a railway construction supervisor is offered in the following format, which can be divided into four phases in accordance with the regulatory provisions:

  1. Entry phase: During the six-month entry phase, the basic requirements for admission to functional training are laid
  2. Functional training: The functional training includes basic modules on railway operation and technology, contract law and trade-specific specialist modules in preparation for taking on the later task. The exams are module-specific, written and oral. The functional training concludes with an oral final examination in which the content learned is examined. Once the final examination has been completed, the qualifications as a security monitor, system manager / person responsible for work in the vicinity of overhead lines and technical authorized person are acquired.
  3. Deployment phase: Following the functional training, the assignment in the field of construction supervision takes place during an approximately twelve-month phase on the basis of the qualifications already acquired as well as technical activities under supervision.
  4. Responsible assumption of work: Before a responsible assignment as a railway construction supervisor, an assessment interview must be conducted. Proof of at least 24 months of relevant trade-specific professional experience is the admission criterion. The focus of this conversation is the coherence knowledge and the security of action of the employee for the activity as construction supervisor railway.

Annual training

For railway construction supervisors, there is a prescribed annual quota of advanced training units as part of the “Technical Information and Training (FIT)”. This aims to maintain and expand the necessary knowledge in the diverse range of topics of construction supervision.

The FIT is divided into a part of face-to-face teaching and a part of e-learning via web-based training formats. In both elements there is the possibility of choosing individually from a large number of offer topics.

Areas of application of a railway construction supervisor

Railway construction supervisors can be used in a wide variety of areas of activity of the railway infrastructure companies , in other companies of the DB Group and in engineering offices.

Within the railway infrastructure companies DB Netz AG , DB Station & Service AG or DB Energie GmbH, for example, in regional maintenance or in major projects such as the Stuttgart-Ulm rail project .

See also

Web links

supporting documents

  1. EBA - VV BAU. Retrieved February 18, 2019 .
  2. EBA - VV BAU-STE. Retrieved February 18, 2019 .