Building diagnostics

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The building diagnostics or building analysis is used to determine the actual condition, the analysis of the existing building materials and design features as well as the diagnosis of the causes that have led to damages or limitations of Gebraustauglichkeit. The service covers a very wide range of possible applications.


Diagnosis derived from ancient Greek διάγνωσις diágnosis 'distinction, decision' (consisting of διά- diá- ' through- ' and γνώσις gnósis 'knowledge, judgment'). According to the general understanding of language, the term describes the determination or determination of reduced performance. As a rule, what is meant here is a disruption in human performance as a result of an illness. VDI 28989 defines diagnosis as, quote: “The detection and assessment of a deviation from the target state.” In combination with the term building , this type of analysis is linguistically linked directly to the building industry. However, since the term building is defined differently in different contexts, the term building diagnostics remains relatively indefinite in the literature.

The Gebäudediagnostik is a partial area of the building diagnostics, but includes, for example, the analysis of infrastructure structures such as bridges, power lines, or pipelines from top. The building inspection, on the other hand, is a partial service of building diagnostics. A building diagnosis in the narrower sense is based on a building inspection but also includes the analysis and evaluation of the results. The Construction Monitoring includes to recognize a building structure with the aim particular harmful or hazardous influences and developments in their development over time and to inform if necessary the continuous and automated collection, storage, forwarding of information on impacts, stresses and the state to statements from the To derive load-bearing capacity and, if necessary, further measures

Subject matter and influencing factors

The subject of building diagnostics is the quality assurance of all usage-relevant components of a building. This activity is necessary for the entire life cycle of the structure. In the case of new buildings, the planning phase lays the basis for building diagnostics, in which it is determined during the planning which properties a building must fulfill in order to optimally cover the intended needs. In the case of renovation projects, on the other hand, building diagnostics lays the basis for the planning phase, in which the building diagnostics determine which properties a building currently does not meet.

Two influencing factors are essential for the methodology to be used in building diagnostics:

  • First of all, the intended use of the structure must be taken into account as a fundamental aspect. In the case of motorway bridges and dams, for example, stability is in the foreground, which is also an important factor in many other building constructions, but not necessarily the decisive factor.
  • Second, the determination of the building materials used plays a key role in building structures. The building materials have a decisive influence on the ecology, economy, construction time, durability and quality of the building. The selected building material thus also has a decisive influence on the method of building diagnostics. For example, when diagnosing wooden structures, different methods are used than when analyzing structures made of reinforced concrete or a composite of glass and steel.

Depending on these influencing factors, the technical expert who leads the building diagnosis must have the necessary expertise and methodological competence . The following table lists competence fields in which structural diagnoses are often carried out. In the column Example for areas of application, buildings noted only as examples for a large number of applications. They are intended to illustrate the range of possible applications.

KG of DIN 276 Area Example for areas of application comment
200, 400 Supply technology Swimming pools, housing construction Analysis of the development
300 Structural analysis TV towers, dams Analysis of stability
300 construction Sports stadiums, exhibition halls Analysis of operational and functional safety
300 Building materials science Cooling towers, reactor rooms Analysis of material properties and durability
300, 400 Fire protection Opera houses, airport buildings Analysis of structural and technical fire protection
300, 400 Building physics Ice sports facilities Analysis of the structural design and the technical systems
400 Supply technology Production halls, drilling rigs Analysis of the technical systems
500 Structural analysis Bridges, roads Analysis of stability
500 Rope statics Power lines, suspension bridges, cable cars Analysis of stability

Structure diagnostics process

Regardless of the type of building, the individual process steps for the successful implementation of building diagnostics usually only differ in the level of detail, depending on the complexity of the project. The most frequently used process steps are listed below:

  1. Basic investigation
    1. Needs analysis with the client and user
    2. Definition of responsibilities depending on the expertise
    3. First joint ascent
    4. Creation of the building file
  2. Pre-planning
    1. Determination of the legal framework
    2. Determination of which technical building regulations are to be applied
    3. Environment analysis
    4. Developing and naming additional sources of knowledge
  3. Creation of the construction study plan
    1. Selection of measurement technology and test methods
      1. Determination of the location for the measurements
      2. Determination of the examination sequence and possible repetitions
      3. Documentation of the reliability of the selected test methods
      4. Documentation of the reliability of the test statements to be expected
    2. Clarification with the client how to deal with positive and negative results
    3. Coordination about the applicable quality management system
    4. Clarification of the financing
    5. Assignment of additional specialists
  4. Determination of the actual condition of a building
    1. Determination of tasks and responsibilities
    2. Orientation inspection of the building
      1. Visual recording of the construction status
      2. Environment and location of the structure in the area
      3. Recording of the recognizable external influencing factors
    3. Exploring the prehistory of the structure
      1. Examination of documents
      2. Interviewing people
      3. Inclusion of further sources of knowledge
  5. The construction survey: recording and documentation
    1. Definition of the level of accuracy
    2. Implementation of the measurements and the building inspections, including a description of the current situation
    3. Summary of the condition assessment and damage assessment
  6. Evaluation and assessment of the test results
    1. Evaluation and assessment
      1. First way: comparison of the target and actual state
      2. Second way: computer-aided calculation of characteristic data
      3. Iterative approach
    2. Development of several alternative hypotheses about the cause of damage
    3. Proof of the causation hypotheses
    4. Elaboration of a renovation concept with proof of conformity
    5. summary of results

Types of analysis

Non-destructive analysis is the most cost-effective form of structural diagnostics. The mastery of technologies such as infrared thermography, pulse radar, electro-pulse analysis, trace gas analysis, ultrasound technology, capacity and conductivity analysis, micro-wave technology, endoscopy, neutron probe analysis, airtightness analysis, individually or in combination with the corresponding Expertise well-founded assessments. For individual technologies such as infrared thermography or magnetic particle testing, special training and certification according to DIN EN ISO 9712 are offered.

When taking samples of the building substance, for example by taking drill core, drill dust, handpiece samples, plaster or mortar samples, the building is usually damaged locally. The taking of samples is an exception: wood-destroying fungi, wood-destroying insects, from house dust, from indoor air or mold samples.


There are many technical rules , standards and ordinances that deal with the field of building diagnostics. The German Institute for Standardization , the VDI and the VdS publish their regulations through Beuth Verlag.

Selection for recurring building inspections

  • DIN 1076 Monitoring and testing of engineering structures in the course of roads and paths
  • Guide to property-related damage analysis (OSA guide from the Federal Highway Research Institute BASt)
  • Ril 804 plan, build and maintain railway bridges (and other engineering structures)
  • RÜV guideline for the monitoring of the traffic safety of federal structures
  • VDI 6200 Stability of Buildings - Regular Checks

Selection of non-destructive testing methods

  • DIN EN 1076 Exposure at the workplace - Measurement of gases and vapors with pump-operated sampling devices - Requirements and test methods
  • DIN EN 12504-2 Testing of concrete in buildings - Part 2: Non-destructive testing - Determination of the rebound number
  • DIN EN 13187 Thermal behavior of buildings - Detection of thermal bridges in building envelopes - Infrared method
  • DIN EN 13791 Evaluation of the compressive strength of concrete in structures and parts of structures
  • DIN EN 17119 Non-destructive testing - Active thermography
  • DBV-Merkblatt Application of non-destructive test methods in construction
  • DBV data sheet for concrete cover and reinforcement
  • DBV bulletin chemical attack
  • DBV leaflet crack formation


  • Kornelia Horn: Building Analysis . Ed .: Frank Eßmann, Jürgen Gänßmantel, Gerd Bornig (=  building in existing structures ). Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2020, ISBN 978-3-8167-9482-0 .
  • Nabil A. Fouad (Ed.): BAUPHYSIK KALENDER 2012 . Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-433-02986-2 .
  • National Research Council (US). Building Research Board: Building Research Board, Building Diagnostics: A Conceptual Framework. National Research Council . National Academy Press, Washington, DC 1985, doi : 10.17226 / 19294 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Pape : Concise dictionary of the Greek language. Vol. 1: AK. Edited by Maximilian Sengebusch. 3. Edition. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig 1914, p. 574; online at
  2. VDI 2889 - Use of knowledge-based diagnostic methods and systems in maintenance . Beuth, April 1998, p. 2 .
  3. Kornelia Horn: Building analysis . Ed .: Frank Eßmann, Jürgen Gänßmantel, Gerd Bornig (=  building in existing structures ). Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2020, ISBN 978-3-8167-9482-0 , p. 11 .
  4. Roloff, J., Kohlbrei, U .: Monitoring as the basis for effective maintenance - new ways in building maintenance . In: VDI Bautechnik . Yearbook 2006/2007, p. 66-77 .
  5. Nabil A. Fouad (Ed.): BAUPHYSIK KALENDER 2012 . Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-433-02986-2 , p. 8 .
  6. Nabil A. Fouad (Ed.): BAUPHYSIK KALENDER 2012 . Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-433-02986-2 , p. 60 .
  7. Julian Kümmel: Life cycle assessment of building materials using the example of recycling lightweight construction concrete. June 20, 2000, p. 2 , accessed January 23, 2020 .
  8. Kornelia Horn: Building analysis . Ed .: Frank Eßmann, Jürgen Gänßmantel, Gerd Bornig (=  building in existing structures ). Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2020, ISBN 978-3-8167-9482-0 , p. 20-24 .
  9. Certification program. TÜV Rheinland, September 2, 2019, accessed on January 26, 2020 .
  10. Nabil A. Fouad (Ed.): BAUPHYSIK KALENDER 2012 . Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-433-02986-2 , p. 83 .
  11. Kornelia Horn: Building analysis . Ed .: Frank Eßmann, Jürgen Gänßmantel, Gerd Bornig (=  building in existing structures ). Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2020, ISBN 978-3-8167-9482-0 , p. 153 .
  12. Nabil A. Fouad (Ed.): BAUPHYSIK KALENDER 2012 . Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-433-02986-2 , p. 59 .
  13. All regulations at a glance. Beuth Verlag GmbH, accessed on January 4, 2019 .