Tree wax

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Tree wax is used to close wounds after pruning a tree or grafting plants in fruit and horticulture .

Good tree wax consists of a fungicide-free resin - wax combination, it should be able to be applied cold with a spatula, remains supple for years and must not tear. In addition, it must be well tolerated by plants, weatherproof and remain elastic in the cold.

The market also offers tree waxes that have already been treated with a fungicide and are intended to prevent fungal infection of the cut.

There is also solid wax, which is mainly used in hand finishing . This wax is heated so that it becomes liquid, then the refined documents are dipped upside down in the liquid wax.


As an example of the possible ingredients, the extract from a recipe for a home-made tree wax can be used: 2 kilograms of pitch , 150 grams of beeswax , 375 grams of alcohol and 2 tablespoons of linseed oil .

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