Be Smart!

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Campaign logo BE SMART!  Hands on the wheel - eyes on the road
Campaign logo BE SMART! Hands on the wheel - eyes on the road

BE SMART! is a nationwide road safety campaign directed against the use of cell phones and smartphones at the wheel of motor vehicles. The background of the campaign are traffic accidents and the increasing danger in road traffic caused by active use of these devices. Automobilclub Mobil in Deutschland e. V., TÜV SÜD AG and the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure . The campaign slogan is "Be Smart! Hands on the wheel - eyes on the road!".

Goal of the campaign

The campaign aims to educate motorists and road users and create more awareness of the risks and dangers of using smartphones while driving vehicles. Drivers should be encouraged not to use the smartphone in hand while driving.

Public perception of the campaign

The campaign attracts public attention with its two TV spots, which are published through the partner Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland.


The campaign was launched on September 3, 2015 at a press conference in Munich. The Automobilclub Mobil in Deutschland e. V. and TÜV SÜD AG are the initiators of the campaign. The patron of the campaign is the Federal Minister for Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Alexander Dobrindt .

Campaign background

The background to the campaign is that more and more drivers are using their cell phones while driving. Studies in the USA show the extreme danger posed by a cell phone at the wheel. In addition, the smartphone is now increasingly the cause of accidents on German roads. Studies by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) in Blacksburg show that using a cell phone increases the risk of accidents fivefold.

Campaign partner

The campaign is supported by several partners. The campaign partners include: Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland , Samsung , ESSO / ExxonMobil , Volkswagen AG , the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) , Sortimo , Logitech and the KS / Auxilia automobile club (as of April 2016)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. This week - Smartphone at the wheel - Auto & Mobil - Sü
  2. "Smartphone has a large share in the increase in accidents" -
  3. ↑ Slap in the face for the smartphone on the steering wheel -
  4. "Hands on the wheel!" Campaign warns against smartphone use - DIE WELT
  5. Cell phone at the wheel: distraction often leads to accidents - SPIEGEL ONLINE
  6. Traffic safety: hands off your smartphone while driving