Beate Krafft-Schöning

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Beate Krafft-Schöning (until 2007 Beate Schöning, * April 1965 in Göttingen ) is a German journalist and freelance author . The journalist has been researching the subject of "Sexual violence against children on the Internet" since 1999/2000. In mid-2000 she founded the NetKids initiative and published on the subject.


Before working as a freelance journalist and author, Beate Krafft-Schöning was the editor of a regional newspaper in northern Germany. In addition to “NetKids”, the journalist has been researching the problem of young people from abroad and their environment for several years. In 2001, Krafft-Schöning developed chat guides for children and adults. Prevention films, brochures and a book for educating children and adults followed. In addition, the journalist still gives lectures to this day, trains specialist staff (teachers, police officers, educators, etc.) on the subject and works with children and young people.

Krafft-Schöning is known for her practical illustration of the procedure of alleged sex offenders who look for children on the Internet in order to sexually abuse / rape them at a meeting for various television formats since 2003. To this end, she pretends to be a child on the Internet and gets involved in date offers. In a meeting that comes about in this way, she confronts the chat partners in front of the camera with her statements of a sexual nature towards the supposed child in the chat. Between 2003 and 2018, the journalist "met" over 100 suspected sex offenders in this way and spoke to thousands of people on the Internet whom she had approached as a supposed child in Chats. The journalist's best-known project in 2010 was the series Tatort Internet - Finally protect our children on RTL II . However, the show has been severely criticized several times.

Since 2011, Krafft-Schöning has also been working on the "Mirikomplex" blog (WordPress), which primarily deals with the topics of "integration", "clan crime" or "Islamist groups and their actions".

After the RTL program "Punkt 12" from June 12, 2018, which was supervised by Krafft-Schöning, a 50-year-old man in Bremen-Nord was beaten up and critically injured because several young men thought they recognized the man from the program and to practice vigilante justice. Both Krafft-Schöning and the broadcaster publicly condemned this act. The perpetrators had mistaken the man for a man shown in the program. According to the authorities, neither the injured person nor the man shown in the program should be associated with pedophilia.

The NetKids initiative launched by Krafft-Schöning, which was discontinued in March 2018, was primarily committed to education and prevention work for adults and children.



  • Beate Krafft-Schöning, Rainer Richard: Just a click of the mouse to horror: Youth and the media . Vistas, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-89158-451-4 .
  • Beate Krafft-Schöning: Blood ties: How a large Arab family in Germany became the infamous “Miri Clan”. An insider reports . riva, Munich, ISBN 978-3-86883-314-0

Preventive means / actions

  • 2000 chat guide for children, chat guide for adults (version 1),
  • 2000 Lecture concept "Children on the Internet - dangers that nobody knows"
  • 2001 “NetKidsschule” workshop concept for prevention work with children from grade 5,
  • 2002 workshops for specialist staff,
  • 2003 prevention film "NetFriends"
  • 2004 prevention film "NetChat"
  • 2005 Tatort chat room.
  • 2007 Just a click of the mouse to the horror. Vistas Verlag, Berlin 2007, authors Beate Krafft-Schöning and Rainer Richard

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Weser Kurier, May 11, 2011, Rose Gerdts-Schiffler
  2. "Internet crime scene" -Macherin Beate Krafft-Schöning. on: , November 22, 2010, accessed on June 26, 2011
  3. Hannah Pilarczyk: Guttenberg hunts child molesters. Crime scene trash TV. “The show had nothing to do with education. More likely with targeted disinformation ”. on: Spiegel online. October 8, 2010, accessed June 26, 2011
  4. RTL-News Lynchjustiz in Bremen: Uninvolved person after TV report about pedophilia critically injured June 15, 2018, accessed on June 16, 2018
  5. Frankfurter Allgemeine After the attack in Bremen: Suspect in vigilante justice presents himself on June 15, 2018, accessed on June 16, 2018
  6. ^ Author: "There is no patron sitting up there" - Controversial Miri clan in Bremen. In: Radio Bremen. October 8, 2013, archived from the original on November 3, 2013 ; Retrieved November 18, 2013 .
  7. a b c d NetKids homepage

Web links